Our Rates

We think you'll find that our rates are some of the most competitive around. And, the fact that you can get a sample from us before hand ensures that you'll be happy with our services.


Mastering = $6 per program minute
* includes as necessary:

  • Equalization to level audio frequencies
  • Multiband Compression
  • Overall Compression
  • Overall Limiting/Maximizing
  • Dithering
  • Level adjustments between all songs on an entire CD.
  • Fade ins/Fade outs
  • Track spacing
  • Input of UPC and ISRC codes

Additional Editing = $6 per program minute
* includes as requested:

  • Shortening a track's length
  • Removing intros/outros
  • Extending intros/outros (by repeating)
  • Adjusting volume to specific parts of a track

Mastering Sample = $10
Send us a song and we'll send you back a sample of our mastering techniques. You will receive a CD-R with your original track and our mastered track. In some cases, we may include as many as 3 different mastering options to show the difference between EQ techniques and/or adding overall reverb.

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