Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need mastering?
Every audio file that goes out to the public needs mastering. This is a crucial step to making your tracks sounds as good as what people buy in the stores—even if you're not going to sell your music at Tower Records. Professional studios spend hundreds—even thousands—on a record to get it mastered. This is because they know that without mastering their products won't be competitive in the market.

Why should I choose Cyclotron Records for my mastering needs?
The engineers at Cyclotron Records have been in the music business for the past 15 years. In that time, their focus has always been on advancing the underground music scene. Because we believe that great music should be heard, we're always eager to help new artists get the edge they've been looking for. Our rates are some of the most competitive around. And we make sure to not sacrifice quality for quantity. Check out our samples page for examples of how we've taken good tracks and made them great.

Can't I just master my music myself?
While you could, no doubt, find mastering plugins to work with your current setup, to do so would be avoiding two very important steps. First of all, you need a trained mastering professional to listen to your track and compare it objectively to other commercially available records. Secondly, if you're not experienced in the art of mastering, you could actually be hurting your music instead of helping it. Overly-processed recordings are taxing on the ears and many A&R reps and reviewers know the difference when they hear it.

Do you provide editing services?
Yes. See our rates page for information on special editing.

How long will it take for me to get my CD back?
It all depends on the length of your CD. But, typically you should get your CD back within a week. It could take up to two weeks if your tracks require special editing.

What if I don't like what you've done? Can I get a redo?
Absolutely. If you're not 100% satisfied with our services, we'll redo it to your specifications once without incurring additional charges. If, after a redo, you are still not satisfied, we will work out a discounted rate with you to make sure you get what you're looking for.

Can I get a sample of your services?
Yes. Please use the order form to send us one of your tracks. Make sure to indicate that it's a sample, and send us a money order for $10 (or your credit card information) and we'll send you back a CD-R within a couple of days. The sample will include your original file and a short version of our mastered file.

Do you master for vinyl releases as well?
Yes. When you place your order, make sure to indicate that it's for a vinyl release. Our engineers will make sure the signal level is compatible with the vinyl production process. Because of the delicacy of vinyl production, signals cannot be as hot as with CDs so don't be surprised if the tracks aren't as loud as you might expect. Trust us, they'll sound just fine once their cut to wax.

For any additional questions, please feel free to send us an e-mail:

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